Volunteer in Shops

Interested in working spotlight for one of our productions? Want to build scenery? Learn painting techniques? Construct costumes? No matter what your background or your specific interest, we are always looking for engaged and dedicated volunteers to help in our shops and backstage. (Volunteer Technicians must be at least 18 years old.)

By |2023-06-07T10:06:22+00:00April 4, 2023|Comments Off on Volunteer in Shops

Volunteer to Usher

Volunteer ushers are an integral part of our team and essential to creating a welcoming and enjoyable experience for theatre attendees. Duties include assisting patrons before, during and after performances by greeting, scanning tickets, providing directions and other tasks as directed by the House Manager.

By |2023-06-07T17:37:22+00:00April 4, 2023|Comments Off on Volunteer to Usher
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